Towards a sustainably built future

Holcim Switzerland has its eyes set on one goal: by 2050, they want to achieve "Net Zero", i.e. bring down their carbon footprint to 0.


For Holcim Switzerland, we have now designed a brochure that specifically presents their sustainable ambitions and goals on the Swiss market.

By 2050, we will be a net-zero company, producing only climate-neutral and fully recyclable building solutions.

Gravel works and butterflies

The question was simple: How is the Group’s net zero vision being sustained in Switzerland? In order to make Holcim's environmental targets for 2030 publicly transparent, we needed a clear design. That's why we got to know a lot about things like autonomous dumpers in quarries or the use of residual water in gravel extraction plants. And we discovered our favorite site: it's a quarry in Vaud that was closed in the 1960s and, according to Holcim, is home to unique butterflies and 300 species of flowers. 



Big goals need more space

In a spacious, open layout, Holcim Switzerland's main areas of activity are presented along with specific targets and examples from Switzerland. Holcim has long been working on topics such as circular economy, decarbonization or renewable energy. Some areas are newer, such as technologies for CO2 capture, utilization and storage. According to CEO Simon Kronenberg, building with concrete can be sustainable. As long as one faces its challenges.