Standing Ovation

From Insights to Impact with standing ovation

We love seeing companies evolve and embrace innovative solutions. Even more so when we get to help shape that journey. This time, we supported our partner standing ovation with a fresh brand presence and repositioning strategy.

standing ovation combines neuroscience with creativity. With the approach "From Insight to Impact," the Zurich-based agency has developed a method that blends customer insights with neurobranding and large-language technologies. The goal? To help companies optimize their brand strategies and customer experiences. With this approach, standing ovation has positioned itself even more strongly at the intersection of strategy and experience.

To tell the story of this repositioning cohesively, we stepped in to help. Together with the team at standing ovation, we developed a new digital identity – from initial research workshops through rebranding to a campaign launch.

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UX Workshop: Setting the Direction

In a joint User Experience workshop, we set the groundwork. Exploring everything from classic approaches and storytelling concepts to forward-thinking ideas, we asked ourselves: Where do we want to go? And how will each scenario affect the user experience? The result was a dynamic blend of visually engaging stories, strategic insights, and a focus on the people behind the brand. All content was thematically organized and purposefully clustered.


Pillar Pages as Anchors

At the core of the website are four main themes: Customer Experience, Employer Branding, Content Creation, and Live Marketing. As “pillar pages,” these sections serve as the site’s anchors, providing an alternative navigation system. Users can scroll through cases as usual, or focus on a specific area—such as Employer Branding—to find everything they need, from references and blog posts to relevant services.

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A Brand That Grows with You

The branding continued to evolve throughout the project. The new design strengthens standing ovation’s positioning with a touch of playfulness and surprise. Secondary colors shift with every page reload, while interactive elements are intentionally personal and approachable. An anchor navigation system further simplifies the user journey.


Streamlined Content Management

From the beginning, intuitive navigation in the admin-user interface was a key requirement for the new website. In a fast-paced work environment, various team members need to be able to create and publish content quickly and easily. To support this, we implemented a customized and standardized Drupal interface, ensuring ease of use and consistency.

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Recruiting 2.0

As experts in Employer Branding, standing ovation also reimagined their recruitment process. Potential candidates now experience a seamless journey—from the Culture Page to a CV upload through a personalized application form. Instead of a generic email address, this new four-step process (coming soon) offers a clear, user-friendly path that enhances the candidate experience.

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Last but Not Least: The Campaign

The new design language carried through to the launch campaign, featuring six animations. The design elements reinforce a cohesive brand experience.