First responders: First things first
In the event of a cardiovascular arrest, immediate help is essential. With "First Responder Canton Zurich", the GVZ is introducing a nationwide emergency care system with qualified non-professional helpers. We were given the opportunity to create a new website that provides information about the pilot project.
What are first responders?
The faster help arrives in the event of a cardiovascular arrest, the better the chances of survival. This is why people who are in the immediate vicinity of an emergency - the so-called first responders - are alerted.
All the information in one place
We were asked to develop a website for the GVZ to recruit new first responders. The website gives an insight into the role and provides all the information needed to become a first responder. The focus is on the content - with generous typography and a clear structure. We designed a user journey, information structure and site architecture to make it as easy as possible for interested parties to register as a first responder.
Making it visible
In a photo shoot with photographer Claudia Schildknecht, we staged emergency situations to make the work of a first responder tangible. Large illustrations and animated elements support the content and guide users through the website.